Often the small things that go unnoticed are as important as the visible things everyone talks about! Such is the case with the people who volunteer for the various commissions and committees and groups at Holy Rosary; below are some opportunities to participate in the life of Holy Rosary parish. Please prayerfully consider if you are able to help out in one of these areas.
Volunteers at Mass
If you are a volunteer for Mass or other liturgical ministries, please use the link below to access the current MSP schedule for volunteer safety ministers at our public Masses.
We are recruiting Lectors, EMHCs and Hospitality Ministers. To serve as a Lector or Eucharistic Minister, volunteers must already be trained and commissioned to serve as Lector or EMHC. Anyone can volunteer to be a Hospitality Minister. All must meet the current safety criteria for serving at Mass. All will receive required Archdiocesan Covid-19 Safety Training prior to serving at Mass. For more info, contact Paul Dolejsi
Facilities & Maintenance Commission (FAMCOM):
The Holy Rosary Facilities & Maintenance Commission is looking for new members who have a desire to help the parish plan for the future and take care of our current facilities. If you have a particular skill in any kind of construction, in plumbing, in electrical work, etc., or if you just have a desire to get involved in helping Holy Rosary stay strong into the next century then please email your name and contact info to Ken Tews, Chair: [email protected].
Money Counting Help Needed:
Volunteers are needed to count weekend donations. Commitment would be Tuesday mornings starting about 8:30am at least once every 4 weeks; more often if you are available. Background checks are required for this volunteer position. If you are interested in helping in this important apostolate, please email your name and contact info to [email protected].
Coffee and Donuts Volunteers:
Coffee and Donuts is a parish-favorite ministry that happens most Sundays in the School Hall, across the street from the church on 42nd Ave SW, after both the 8:30 am and 10:30 am masses. Due to holidays or conflicting events, there will be some Sundays that Coffee and Donuts is not scheduled.
We encourage you to help keep the program alive by volunteering some of your own time. Email [email protected] to volunteer
Parish Bus Ministry Volunteers:
Volunteers are needed to drive the Parish Bus to the 5pm Vigil Mass each Saturday evening. We'll train you and get you familiar with the route. Existing drivers can click here to be directed to our sign up genius!
Since this ministry involves working with vulnerable adults, it's required that you are in full compliance with our Safe Environment program. Being in full compliance means background check is current which requires renewal every three years. Additionally, you might be asked to take an online class. To check your compliance status, please login to the VIRTUS website here by clicking here. If you have difficulty with logging in to VIRTUS, do not create another account. Please email Melissa Tuthill at Holy Rosary so she can help you. Her email address is [email protected].
If you have questions, please email [email protected].