1. The sponsor must be a fully initiated Catholic, having been baptized, confirmed, and received their first Eucharist, who leads a life in keeping with the role to be taken on. The full initiation of the sponsor is to be verified.
The selection of sponsors is to be based on appropriate lifestyle, participation in the Catholic faith, and the ability to provide the nurturing supportive role expected of a sponsor.
2. The sponsor is to be at least 16 years of age and sufficiently mature for the role.
3.The sponsor must be free to celebrate the sacraments and not bound by any canonical penalty.
4.A parent or legal guardian may not serve as sponsor for his/her child.
It is generally not advisable for a spouse, fiancée, boyfriend, or girlfriend, to serve as sponsor.
5.If the sponsor is unable to participate in the celebration of confirmation, a proxy may be designated.
6. It is strongly encouraged that the sponsor be of the same gender as the candidate.
7. It is recommended that one of the baptismal sponsors (godparents) serve as the Confirmation sponsor, if they still meet the other requirements and expectations for the role.
8. The sponsor should assist the candidate in reflecting on each of the Confirmation sessions. Ideally, this is accomplished by the sponsor attending all the Confirmation sessions. If the sponsor is unable to be present, then the sponsor and candidate should discuss the reflection questions given out during Confirmation sessions.
9. We are asking that Confirmation sponsors lead the small group discussions at each of the Confirmation meetings. The teens will be assigned to small groups for the duration of the program. Each teen will be responsible for having his or her sponsor be present for at least three of the meetings: January 10, April 17 (the date of Confirmation), and one other meeting that will be assigned. If the sponsor cannot be there, then someone else should fill in for the sponsor.
10. The sponsors are also encouraged to attend the Confirmation retreat.