Lent is a time for walking with Christ toward Jerusalem, where he will share our death so that we can share his divine life! Join us for Stations of the Cross, Adoration, and other devotions as we prepare to celebrate the heart of our Christian faith at Easter! Click through for a full schedule of events for Lent!
We started a new Bible Study on the book of Exodus this January! We already have one group meeting Wednesday mornings. If you'd like to join the Wednesday group, or would like to start a new group at a different time, contact Robert King ([email protected])!
Curious about Catholicism? We'll address your questions in an evening series dedicated to questions you ask! Our next session will be on Thursday, January 18th at 6:30pm. Drop your questions in the Question Boxes at the entrances to the Church!
Celebrate the 100th Anniversary of the appearance of Our Lady of Fatima! Join us on Saturday, October 14th for a Rosary at Noon in the Church, followed by a viewing of "The 13th Day" - a film about the appearances - and a discussion!
Our relationship with Jesus keeps growing throughout our lives. Check out our opportunities for ongoing spiritual growth as adults: Sunday School for Grown-ups, Wednesday morning Bible Study, Confirmation for Adults, Becoming Catholic (RCIA), Walking With Purpose (for women), or Men's Spirituality Group.
Online registration is now available for both Youth and Adult Confirmation preparation. If you have not yet received the Sacrament of Confirmation, register today!
On August 16th and 23rd, Holy Rosary Parish will be hosting two discussions on immigration in the U.S., both at 7:00pm in the School Hall. Bishop Eusebio Elizondo will speak on the 16th, and Ms. Olga Guzhva will speak on the 23rd.
Robert King will lead an open discussion of your questions after all weekend Masses. Great for the curious, the seekers, and those interested in RCIA or Confirmation.
WALKING WITH PURPOSE – SUMMER SESSION – All women are welcome to join our WWP summer session whether you are returning or are new. This is a wonderful opportunity to meet other women and talk about faith and life. This six-week course is a brief but powerful study meant to revive and refresh use as we discover how much God Loves us! We will learn how the Gospels are deeply relevant to our relationships with God and those we love. Thursdays on June 22, 29, and July 6, 13, 20 and 27 from 7:15-9 p.m. in the Parish Center Reception Room
This year, we will be forming a Handbell Choir! Come and ring with us! We will accompany our children’s YouthChoir! on Christmas Eve and Easter, and possibly some other dates this year. Adults and teens who are musically inclined will feel right at home with a handbell!
Please join our group of Adults to learn more about your faith. Sundays after the 9:30 mass in the School Library (2nd floor). One of our members is preparing to come into Full Communion in the Catholic Church this Easter season.