Want to learn how to make a rosary? Already an expert, but want to make rosaries for the missions? Join us this Saturday, December 2, after Mass (about 9:15am) in the Parish Center!
Sunday, December 3 9:30am to 1:30pm in the School Hall (Come after Mass or Drop in any time!) *Advent Crafts *Coffee, Donuts and More! *St. Vincent de Paul Food Drive *Advent Wreaths and Candles *Cards supporting NOEL House Women’s Shelters
Everything we receive is a gift from the Lord in His goodness and love for us. At this time every year parishioners are asked to renew their financial commitment to the parish after praying about the gifts that God has given to them. As disciples, we are invited to make Jesus a priority in our lives – and that includes everything, including the way we use the money we have received. Your support of our parish and our work and ministry is vital as we continue the work of Jesus Christ here in West Seattle.
Doing some online shopping - for Christmas or for anything? Support Holy Rosary School by using the amazon.com link on the school website, and 7% of your purchases come back to us!