The celebration of the Liturgy is — and must be — the heart of every parish's life. Above all else, the celebration of the Liturgy is the reason for our existence; even if a parish offers no other ministries or activities, it must still gather to celebrate Mass, especially on the Lord's Day, eagerly drawn together by our love of God and gratitude for our redemption in Christ and all our blessings.
As the Second Vatican Council's Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy so compellingly stated it: "The liturgy is the summit toward which the activity of the Church is directed; at the same time, it is the fountain from which all the Church's power flows."
What does that mean for us? Everything we do as a parish and as individual Catholic-Christians must point us toward our celebration of the Mass and the Sacraments; the Mass and the Sacraments give us the spiritual strength we need to live as fruitful branches on the Vine that is Jesus Christ until we gather again for worship. It is a wonderful "circular" rhythm of life for every faithful disciple of Jesus.
Here at Holy Rosary, we have a full liturgical life, centered on our weekend celebrations of the Eucharist.
Get Involved!
To become a greeter, usher, sacristan, altar server, Master of Ceremonies, lector, gift bearer, Eucharistic Minister, Children's Liturgy of the Word volunteer, or sacramental greeter, contact
Paul Dolejsi, Pastoral Assistant for Music & Liturgy
206.937.1488 ext. 204
Sister Stella, Children's Liturgy of the Word
(only at the Family Mass)
(206)937-1488 x252