Parents, “by word and example, are the first heralds of the faith with regard to their children” (Second Vatican Council, Lumen Gentium, no. 11) Not only are parents the “first heralds”, but they are the primary educators of the faith to their children. No other person has as much positive influence over their children’s’ life of faith as their parents. When parents vibrantly live their faith with confidence and trust, their children learn to hope and trust in God through their example. Parents teach their children to live virtuous lives by modeling the virtuous behavior.
As families of faith we must continue to foster home environments of vibrant faith, generous hospitality, and loving service to one another. We must always be ready and willing to “give an explanation to anyone who asks you for a reason for your hope” (1 Pt 3:15).
Join us as we explore ways in which we can form faithful disciples at home.
Join us for Family Nights on the following Saturdays at 6:00pm, after 5:00pm Mass in the Holy Rosary School Hall.
Þ Drop off potluck item at School Hall before Mass
Þ Bring your family to 5:00pm Mass
Þ Dinner & Faith activity in School Hall after Mass
Þ Family Night concludes at 7:30pm
For questions please email Deyette at [email protected] or Sr. Stella at [email protected].