Our RCIA process (Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults) takes place on Thursday evenings. We now have one woman who wants to come into the church but works evenings and cannot make the Thursday evening sessions. She and her husband attend the 9:30 am Mass on Sundays. I know that some of you attended our adult faith formation last year and have asked for it again this year. This is what I am proposing: we will have adult faith formation right after the 9:30 am Mass and will invite the woman who wants to prepare to come into the church into this session. We will look at the Sunday gospel the first half of the session and then take a doctrinal topic of the Catholic Church the second half. In other words, we will follow our Thursday evening RCIA format but in a more condensed form since we have a shorter time frame in which to operate. All will be able to benefit from this process plus it will give our new prospective Catholic an opportunity to meet other parishioners. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me.
JoAnn Tobin
PA for Adult Faith Formation
Holy Rosary Church
4139 - 42nd Ave. SW
Seattle, WA 98116
206-937-1488, Ext. 203
That love is all there is, Is all we know of love; It is enough, the freight should be proportioned to the groove. Emily Dickinson